Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) applies empirical psychological research to issues of pedagogy. As a member of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s Early Career Psychologist Council, I was fortunate to collaborate on several SoTL projects.

Peer-reviewed Articles:

Troisi, J. D., Leder, S., Stiegler-Balfour, J. J., Fleck, B. K. B., & Good, J. J. (i2015). Not all types of mentors are created equal: Comparing the effectiveness of intra-departmental, intra-university, and self-selected mentors. Journal of Faculty Development, 29 (3), 17-26.

Troisi, J. D., Leder, S., Stiegler-Balfour, J. J., Fleck, B. K B., & Good, J. J. (2015).    Effective teaching outcomes associated with the mentorship of early career        psychologists. Teaching of Psychology, 42, 242-247. doi: 10.1177/0098628315587623

Good, J. J., Keeley, J., Leder, S., Afful, S., & Stiegler-Balfour, J. J. (2013). Supporting our junior faculty: Assessing the concerns and needs of early career faculty. Teaching of Psychology, 40, 328-333. Doi: 10.1177/0098628313501048

Good, J. J., & Moss-Racusin, C. A. (2010, shared first authorship). “But that doesn’t      apply to me”: Teaching college students to think about gender. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34, 418-421.


Leder-Elder, S., Good, J. J., Afful, S. E., Keeley, J., & Stiegler-Balfour, J. J. (Eds.). (2015). Introductory psychology teaching primer 2nd edition: A guide for new teachers of Psych 101. Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Div. 2). Retrieved from ISBN: 978-1-941804-39-1

Afful, S., Good, J. J., Keeley, J., Leder, S., & Stiegler-Balfour, J. J. (Eds.). (2013). Introductory psychology teaching primer: A guide for new teachers of Psych 101. Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Div. 2). Retrieved from ISBN: 978-1-941804-27-8

Keeley, J., Afful, S. E., Stiegler-Balfour, J. J., Good, J. J., & Leder, S. (2013). So you       landed a job – what’s next? Advice for early career psychologists from early career psychologists. Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Div. 2). Retrieved from ISBN: 978-1-941804-26-1

Book Chapters:

Afful, S. & Good, J. J. (2015). Chapter 2: Introduction – History & careers. In S. Leder-Elder, J. J. Good, J. Keeley, S. E. Afful, & J. J. Stiegler-Balfour (Eds.), Introductory psychology teaching primer 2nd edition: A guide for new teachers of Psych 101. Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Div. 2). Retrieved from ISBN: 978-1-941804-39-1

Good, J. J. (2015). Chapter 3: Research methods. In S. Leder-Elder, J. J. Good, J. Keeley, S. E. Afful, & J. J. Stiegler-Balfour (Eds.), Introductory psychology teaching primer 2nd edition: A guide for new teachers of Psych 101. Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Div. 2). Retrieved from ISBN: 978-1-941804-39-1

Good, J. J. (2014). Transitioning into the role of assistant professor. In J. N. Busler, B. C. Beins, & B. Buskist (Eds.), Preparing the new professoriate: Helping graduate students to become competent teachers, 2nd ed. Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Div. 2). Retrieved from ISBN: 978-1-941804-33-9

Afful, S. & Good, J. J. (2013). Chapter 2: Introduction – History & careers. In S. E. Afful, J. J. Good, J. Keeley, S. Leder, & J. J. Stiegler-Balfour (Eds.), Introductory psychology teaching primer: A guide for new teachers of Psych 101. Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Div. 2). Retrieved from ISBN: 978-1-941804-27-8

Good, J. J. (2013). Chapter 3: Research methods. In S. E. Afful, J. J. Good, J. Keeley,     S. Leder, & J. J. Stiegler-Balfour (Eds.), Introductory psychology teaching primer: A guide for new teachers of Psych 101. Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Div. 2). Retrieved from ISBN: 978-1-941804-27-8

Afful, S. E., Stiegler-Balfour, J. J., Good, J. J., Leder, S., & Keeley, J. (2013). Realistic expectations for your first few years. In J. Keeley, S. E. Afful, J. J. Stiegler-Balfour, J. J. Good, & S. Leder (Eds.). So you landed a job – what’s next? Advice for early career psychologists from early career psychologists. Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Div. 2). Retrieved from ISBN: 978-1-941804-26-1

Good, J. J. (2013). Preparing for the first year as an assistant professor. In J. Keeley,        S. E. Afful, J. J. Stiegler-Balfour, J. J. Good, & S. Leder (Eds.). So you landed a job – what’s next? Advice for early career psychologists from early career psychologists. Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Div. 2). Retrieved from ISBN: 978-1-941804-26-1

Keeley, J., Afful, S. E., Stiegler-Balfour, J. J., Good, J. J., & Leder, S. (2013). Introduction: A field guide to this book. In J. Keeley, S. E. Afful, J. J. Stiegler-Balfour, J. J. Good, & S. Leder (Eds.). So you landed a job – what’s next? Advice for early career psychologists from early career psychologists. Society for the Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2).. Retrieved from ISBN: 978-1-941804-26-1