Summer 2014 Lab

Linnea Ng '15In Summer 2014, Linnea Ng ’15 worked with me as a Davidson Research Initiative Fellow. She designed a project testing the interactive influence of diversity ideologies (colorblindness vs. multiculturalism) and applicant stereotypicality (stereotype congruent vs. incongruent) on evaluations of a job applicant’s competence, warmth, comfort, and hiring. We partnered with a colleague at UT El Paso to collect data from both Davidson and UT summer students.


Additionally, we partnered with Dr. Lauren Stutts’ Psychological Resiliency Lab, Dr. Kristi Multhaup’s Cognitive Aging Lab, Dr. Cole Barton’s Clinical Psych Lab, and Dr. Greta Munger’s Visual Perception Lab to hold weekly joint lab meetings. This summer the lab was quite large, with students from Davidson College, Furman University, Johnson C. Smith University, and Duke University!

lab 2014


The summer students presented their work at the annual Davidson-Furman Summer Research conference on July 22nd, 2014. This year there were tons of posters, meaning that a lot of students were involved in summer research!

Linnea DavFurman 2*Ng, L. C., Good, J. J., Zarate, M., Ramos, C. (July, 2014). The effects of corporate diversity framing and stereotypicality on evaluations of ethnic minority targets. Poster presented at the annual Davidson-Furman Summer Research Conference, Greenville, SC.