Summer 2015 Lab

HaileyIn Summer 2015, Hailey Cleek received a George L. Abernethy fellowship to work with me in studying confrontations of benevolent sexism. Being law school-bound and with a particular interest in healthcare law, she designed an experiment to test perceptions of benevolent sexist physicians (competence, warmth, patient satisfaction) and their female patients (competence, warmth, weakness), as a function of whether they are confronted or not, by a male or female family member of the patient.  In her spare time, Hailey worked with me to write an entry on Implicit Attitudes for the SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial Organizational Psychology.

We also partnered with Dr. Kristi Multhaup’s Cognitive Aging Lab and Dr. Greta Munger’s Visual Cognition Lab to hold a weekly reading discussion. Students and faculty took turns leading discussion of Scott Weems’ Ha! The Science of When we Laugh and Why.

Hailey presented her summer project at the Davidson Summer Research Poster Session on September 15, 2015, and will present the project at the annual conference of the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists in October, 2015.

hailey Davidson poster 2015


*Cleek, H., & Good. J. J. (September, 2015). The doctor will see you now: Male versus female confrontation of benevolent sexism in a healthcare setting. Poster presented at the Annual Davidson College Summer Research Symposium, Davidson, NC.


Hailey also presented her work at the 2015 SSSP Conference:

hailey sssp*Cleek, H., & Good, J. J. (2015, October). The doctor will see you now: Male versus female confrontation of benevolent sexism in a healthcare setting. Blitz talk given at the Annual Conference of the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Winston-Salem, NC.